Food Delivery App 16 - Placing Order from Cart using Razorpay


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Razor Pay is one of the best payment gateways which provided plugin in a flutter. It was the most straightforward to integrate in-product payment widget that kicked us off with Razorpay yet it was the quick and dependable help for both issue settlement and on-boarding new highlights that have kept us cooperating with them!.

Assemble a protected installment arrangement on your site or portable application with Razorpay and get installments from your clients utilizing different installment techniques on your Checkout structure. You can follow installments at each progression of its life cycle and effectively manage them.

How to Generate API Key

  1. Sign in to your Dashboard with suitable credentials.
  2. Select the mode (Test or Live) for which you need to create the API key
  3. Explore to SettingsAPI KeysGenerate Key to create a key for the chose mode.

You need to produce separate API Keys for the test and live modes. No cash is deducted from your record in test mode.


Step 1: Add the dependencies

Add dependencies to pubspec.yaml file.


razorpay_flutter: ^1.1.1

Step 2: Import

import 'package:razorpay_flutter/razorpay_flutter.dart';

Minimum Version Requirement:

For Android, guarantee that the base minimum API level for your app is 19 or higher.

For iOS, guarantee that the base minimum deployment target for your app is iOS 10.0 or higher.Likewise, remember to enable bitcode for your project.

Step 3: Run flutter packages get in the root directory of your app.

Now core concepts of the Razorpay Payment.

You need to implement it in your code respectively:

Create Razorpay instance:

Use this code to create a Razorpay instance.

_razorpay = Razorpay();

Event Listeners:

The plugin utilizes event-based communication and transmits events when payments fail or succeed.

The event names are uncovered using the constants EVENT_PAYMENT_SUCCESS, EVENT_PAYMENT_ERROR and EVENT_EXTERNAL_WALLET from the Razorpay class.

Use the on(String event, Function handler) method on the Razorpay instance to append event listeners.

_razorpay.on(Razorpay.EVENT_PAYMENT_SUCCESS, _handlePaymentSuccess);
_razorpay.on(Razorpay.EVENT_PAYMENT_ERROR, _handlePaymentError);
_razorpay.on(Razorpay.EVENT_EXTERNAL_WALLET, _handleExternalWallet);


The handlers would be defined in the class and handle the different responses.

In this handler, you can add one more dependencies

fluttertoast: ^3.1.0

then again run flutter packages get in the root directory of your app.

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Setup Options:

Introduce the details in options and pass your Razorpay key Id here. if you don’t have one go here.

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To clear event listeners, use the clear method on the Razorpay instance.

_razorpay.clear(); // Removes all listeners

Error Codes:

The error codes have been uncovered as integers by the Razorpay class.

The error code is accessible as the code field of the PaymentFailureResponse the instance passed to the callback.

  1. NETWORK_ERROR: There was a network error. For example, loss of internet connectivity.
  2. INVALID_OPTIONS: An issue with options passed in
  3. PAYMENT_CANCELLED: The user canceled the payment.
  4. TLS_ERROR: The device does not support TLS v1.1 or TLS v1.2.
  5. UNKNOWN_ERROR: An unknown error occurred.

Event Names:

The event names have been uncovered as strings by the Razorpay class.

> EVENT_PAYMENT_SUCCESS: The payment was successful.

> EVENT_PAYMENT_ERROR: The payment was not successful.

> EVENT_EXTERNAL_WALLET: An external wallet was selected.

Payment Success Response:

  • Payment Id: stringThe ID for the payment.
  • Order Id: stringThe order ID if the payment was for an order, otherwise null.
  • Signature:string The signature to be used for payment verification. Only valid for orders, otherwise null.


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