Introduction To Android Studio

Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android application development, based on IntelliJ IDEA .
Structure of your Project

Above Image shows Android Project View where you will have all your files related to your project. Here, we have one module Android Application which consists of Manifest, Java, Res Folders.
Manifest Folder: This folder consists of a manifest.xml file which android system requires for all the essential information of the application, like:
Package Name : Unique Identifier of the application
Components :We have to describe all the components in the application (We will discuss components in upcoming chapters)
Permissions:Describe all permission application will require
Java Folder: Here you will have all your Java and Kotlin files.
Res Folder: This folder consists of all the media requirements of application like screen layouts inside the layout, images inside drawable, fonts, colour, strings and dimension will be inside values.


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