Introduction to Kotlin

Kotlin is a compiled, statically typed language, which might provide some initial hurdles for people who are used to the interpreted, dynamically typed Python. This document aims to explain a substantial portion of Kotlin's syntax and concepts in terms of how they compare to corresponding concepts in Python.
Kotlin can be compiled for several different platforms. In this document, we assume that the target platform is the Java virtual machine, which grants some extra capabilities - in particular, your code will be compiled to Java bytecode and will therefore be interoperable with the large ecosystem of Java libraries.
Even if you don't know Python, this document should hopefully be a useful introduction to Kotlin, in particular if you are used to other dynamically typed languages. However, if you're coming from a Java background, you're probably better off diving directly into the excellent official docs (from which this doc has drawn a lot of inspiration). To some extent, you can try to write Java code and look stuff up whenever what you're trying to do doesn't work - and some IDEs can even automatically convert Java code to Kotlin.
 How to Print an Integer entered by an user in Kotlin using Scanner
import java.util.Scanner
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
 // Creates a reader instance which takes
// input from standard input - keyboard
val reader = Scanner(System.`in`)
print("Enter a number: ")
// nextInt() reads the next integer from the keyboard
var integer:Int = reader.nextInt()
// println() prints the following line to the output screen
println("You entered: $integer")


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